Basket of Gold

Create with us this lovely little Basket of Gold. The basket is reminiscent of baskets of flowers that one might find in an appliquéd quilt of long ago. It is filled with simply shaped flowers and grasses, using simple stitches. The body of the basket is worked in basket stitch filling using #8 braid, gold twist and silk floss. The rim, bottom, and handle are worked in metallic twists. The flowers are made of seed beads, pearl, rough and check purl cut to fit.

Stitches include basket stitch filling, detached chain, outline, feather, straight stitches, couching techniques, attaching beads and spangles.

Proficiency level: Beginner to Intermediate
Kit Cost: $80.00
Technique: Silk and Metal thread embroidery

Motif: 5.5 x 7.5 inches
Overall: 10 X 12 inches

Basket of Gold