Amadeus in Silver and Gold
This piece is metal thread on congress cloth embroidery. The Jean Hilton's Amadeus stitch is one of my most favorite canvas work stitches. It is counted and also a manipulation of the thread that forms dimension. The piece is stitched to create a diamond shape.
Amadeus in Silver and Gold is a combination of counted and couching on congress cloth. The Amadeus stitch is the focal point. It is stitched in #8 Kreinik gold braid. The filling around the Amadeus stitch is a tent stitch worked in #8 DMC pearl cotton.
To fill out the piece, there are 2 bands of couched #8 silver braid and #8 gold braid couched in place to form a brick pattern bands
Between the 2 sets of silver and gold bands are 2 diagonal 4-way continental stitch over 2 canvas threads. The centers of the stitches are filled with small gold beads.
Come join the class!
Proficiency level: All
Time: 1-day class
Kit Cost: $60.00
Motif: 3 3/8 X 3 3/8 inches
Overall: 7 X 7 inches