Sweet Violet
Sweet Violet is a small study in the basics of Rozashi. Rozashi is a Japanese needlepoint/counted technique that dates back to 700 A.D. The materials in this small study are traditional to Rozashi. A tightly twisted silk thread is the main silk used. It is like no other silk twist. It maintains its luster and is very forgiving. Also in the kit is a gold metallic twist. The background is a very pale blue/green silk. Basic stitches include ichi dan straight, ni dan step, satin, irregular and Jizashi for the background.
The kit comes complete with ro attached to frame, image drawn on the ro, all threads, a Rozashi needle, sticking paste for finishing and an instruction booklet with color image.
Proficiency level: Beginner and beyond
Time: 1 day
Technique: Rozashi: Japanese needlepoint/counted work
Kit Cost: $43.50
Class limit: 22 or more if necessary
Dimensions: 3.5 x 3.5 inches
All kits include:
- Frame
- Mounting ro with drawing
- All required threads
- Rozashi needle
- Complete instructions
Please note: Prices are subject to change based on the cost of silk and the US dollar/Yen conversion rates.