Baby Iris
Baby Iris is a beginning study in the Japanese needlework technique of Rozashi. The ancient technique of Rozashi dates as far backto 700 AD in Japan. It is stitched on Ro with a sharp needle. Rozashi is stitched in hand.
The stitches are all upright. No stitches pierce the dan. The dan is the 3 rows of tightly woven and interlocking silk threads that form the heavy horizontal line in the weave. The ro is highly sized. Take care not to get a liquid on the piece, because it will pull away from the frame. The ro is pasted to the frame with a Japanese sticking paste.
All the threads are silk, or metallic, or a combination of both.
Proficiency level: Beginner
Technique: Rozashi: Japanese Needlepoint
Time: 1/2 day (3 hours)
Kit Cost: $31.95
All kits include:
- Frame
- Mounting ro with drawing
- All required threads
- Rozashi needle
- Complete instructions
Please note: Prices are subject to change based on the cost of silk and the US dollar/Yen conversion rates.