Silk and Metal Thread Kits

Currently there are seven Silk and Metal Thread kits offered.  More will be added to this list shortly.

Pavo in Silver

Pavo in Latin means peacock. Our Pavo is stitched in silver and turquoise metal threads on a deep pink silk background. Measures approximately 5.25″x 6″

Butterfly in Grass

This is a study in the use of silk and metal threads on congress cloth. Techniques include couching, slanting gobelin, laidwork, and a Kogin darning pattern for the background. The piece is worked on a 10 inch by 10 inch piece white congress cloth.


The word arabesque makes one think of exotic places and things. Arabesque brings to mind the Spanish patterns with the undulating curves and beautiful leaves found in tiles, iron work and the embroidery. Arabesque is a study in silk and metal thread embroidery.

Basket of Gold

The basket is reminiscent of baskets of flowers that one might find in an appliquéd quilt of long ago. It is filled with simply shaped flowers and grasses, using simple stitches. The flowers are made of seed beads, pearl, rough and check purl cut to fit.

Butterfly with Ribands

Butterfly with Ribands is silk and metal thread embroidery on Congress Cloth. The butterfly is created with Pearsall’s filoselle silk embroidery floss, assorted metallic threads, such as twists and metal purls. The Ribands are traditional geometric designs found in Japanese art forms.

Golden Scarab

Our Scarab is worked on a foundation of congress cloth, covered with an iridescent Mokuba blue organdy ribbon. The scarab’s is created in traditional raised work using wool felt as the foundation. It measures approximately 6.2″ x 6.5″ (16 cm x 16.5 cm).

Aubergine Butterfly

A beginning silk and metal thread embroidery; designed for the student who is interested in silk and metal embroidery, but not acquainted with the techniques. The techniques are simple but yield a striking effect.

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March 14-18, 2025 at the Somerset Inn, Troy, MI


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