Pine Bark & Patterns

Stylized pine bark is used in many art forms in Japan. Its diamond shapes form indentions. The pine bark of our study is work in the colors of the ancient imari so loved in Japan, and is the edge of the stylized diamond pattern.
The outer right section is worked in dark blue silk in the ichi dan step stitch. A red band between the dark blue and the flax leaf pattern is worked in the irregular and satin stitch.
The flax leaf pattern is worked in ichi dan and san dan with the pale peach filling stitch is worked in the satin.
There is a red border worked in the line stitch. Next this small border is a ni dan step stitch worked in a pattern that represents water.
The final pattern is a diaper type pattern worked in dark blue and dark red.
All the stitches are traditional Rozashi Stitches. The materials are all traditional to Rozashi. The kit comes complete with all threads, a needle, the ro attached to the frame, an instruction booklet and sticking paste.
Class time: 2 days
Proficiency level: Basic and beyond
Kit Cost: $70.00
Class size: 26
Design Size 6 inches W X 4 inches H
Overall Size: 7.5 inches W X 5.5 inches H
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March 14-18, 2025 at the Somerset Inn, Troy, MI